Fundraising Tools
These fundraising tools have been provided here as a result of several requests for assistance with personal fundraising outreach. The letter templates are intended to be a starting point for your own personal letter and should be customized to your audience. These letters are very different and provide two approaches to asking friends and family for donations for the new dining hall. Use either approach or combine them for your own personalized version, whatever suits your audience. The trifold could be included with letters or distributed however you like. Print that 2-sided, flipping on the short end, then it will fold properly. You may also want to share the youtube link below for an 11 minute Dining Hall Blitz video. Finally, the All-Hands-In booklet provides fundraising assistance in several ways, so take a look at that before you start. Thank you for looking into how you can partner with us in this blessed effort for the camp.
NWOCYC Dining Hall Fundraiser – YouTube